Service and Instrument Description:
Bank Proof of Funds (POF) are used for many different reasons, and they are a good source of financing for project finance, global finance, trade finance, and even credit enhancement. The funds are available for you, but you must know where to look and have someone broker the deal for you. A traditional POF is hard to come by because you need the cash fund of a large investor. However, you can bypass this through a Leased POF. With this innovative bank instrument, you can access someone else leased POF for a small fee and term. When the term is up, the account is returned, or the contract is extended. The owner will either create joint ownership or transfer it so that the ownership of the account is never a problem. This asset is available to the new owner for a period, and as the acting owner, they can lien, monetize, collateralize, or encumber the assets to suit their needs. However, you can rely on a Leased BG, which can be found at many different institutions. Most people are unaware that this is even an option. You can have access to the cash-backed BG of another party for a fee or a lease. When the term has concluded, you can extend it or return it to the original holder. The asset holder will enter into joint ownership with the potential borrower, or this asset can be transferred completely. This assures that there will not be a problem with the ownership of the account. The leased BG will give the same rights to the account holder during the term. The new owner can encumber, place a lien, monetize, and use this account for security purposes.
Consulting Service
Unlimited Support
Budget Friendly
Success Project
Leased Bank Proof of Funds (POF)
We use our relationships with partners at many Top Institutions, and we can help you find the perfect account for your Proof of Funds (POF).
1M is the minimum amount you can secure as USD or EUR through the MT199 or MT999. These fees are generally for a term of 90 days, and fees range between four and six percent. If a lower amount is desired, they will not use the MT999 or MT199.
If no Swift is necessary, we can offer a rate of only 1,5% for a three-month term with a Hard Copy.
We Protect Our Client Deposits Fully Through 3 Levels of Protection
You never have to worry about your security with our three levels of protection:
- A Two Percent (2%) Non-Performance Penalty
- Two Percent (2%) damage fee will apply to a Party that fails to perform. The 2% shall apply in both cases, either when the Provider has sent a Corporate Invoice which the Beneficiary’s Bank will not respond or pay, and/or when the Beneficiary’s Bank is ready, willing, and able to receive the BANK INSTRUMENTS, and no BANK INSTRUMENTS is delivered from the Providers Bank by SWIFT MT-760, DTC, Euroclear or Bloomberg.
- A Program to Refund Deposits (all our agreements are Bank Endorsed (confirmable) with full bank responsibility as an insurance wrap)
- With our agreement with banks, that bank becomes responsible for payment when the transaction becomes complete.
- When a bank endorsed an agreement, the bank becomes responsible before the client pays our company any fees. We are the only Bank Instrument Facilitators in the WORLD that guarantee 100% of your initial deposit through bank endorsement before the client releases any payment.
- Attorneys Client Trust Account
- Once your agreement is approved by the compliance department, and bank endorsed, the payment is to be made ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY to an attorney’s office client trust account. . These banking coordinates will be provided directly from a Petron Energy Group compliance officer (CCO), and they will be included inside your Invoice.
This Refund Deposit Program protects our clients and makes sure that the deposits are completely safe.
15 Reasons to Leased Bank Guarantees from Us!
- Our program utilizes non-rated for POFs.
- We issue POF in EUR and USD.
- Offer a leasing rate of 1,5% for Hard Copy and 5% via Swift for a three-month term.
- Payment is received after the agreement is bank endorsed.
- MT199 or MT999 include Pre-advice Included upon delivery of the POF Delivery
- We protect 100 percent of your payment.
- No Corporate or personal credit checks.
- No documentation is necessary for your project.
- After the agreement is completed, it is returned within 72 hours.
- We will pay a commission of up to 1.5% to any brokers.
- MT199 or MT999 providers deliver to your bank.
- Hard Copy POF can be verified in real-time 24/7 on the bank website verification form.
- POF developed specifically for client needs.
- Performance Penalty of 2 percent in all contracts.
- Your deposit is fully protected.